30 feet to Shoulder Pain: BV Backcountry Cliff Session
30 feet to Shoulder Pain: BV Backcountry Cliff Session- The Sawatch and Arkansas Headwaters zone near Salida and Buena Vista, CO are well known for their Whitewater Paddling opportunities. The local mountains and snow pack which produce great whitewater also host high quality backcountry snow riding opportunities. April 4th found our group at a BV Backcountry location under bluebird skies and soft snow with relatively stable avalanche conditions. It was a great day with an unfortunate result for me…a hurt and potentially injured shoulder. After several injury free paddling/riding seasons on a chronically hurt shoulder, I was excited for what will be the largest water year in CO since the mid 1960’s. Though I was being careful and focused on not getting hurt I ended up doing just that. Time will tell whether I will be paddling hard this season or just resting, rehabbing and taking it easy (which is actually much harder to do) Chris Menges warms up on the cornice side of the cliff ban. Photos: Cody Vidakovich This is the drop that looked so good I couldn't resist. Still tucked and grabbing....in good shape. D'OH! Here I untuck just a little too early, exposing my right shoulder (in back) to the impact below. A big impact in pretty shallow pow, focused, of course on my shoulder. Cody Vidakovich styling a floaty shify in the cornice zone. Photo: Chris Menges Below- same drop, different angle. Photo: JV Vidakovich Chris and Cobe near the cliff/cornice zone (above) and pointing to other lines (below). Photo: JV We found a cool natural hit over some small trees. Coby (above), Chris (below). Cobe drops off JV at the drop in zone. View from the top towards Taylor Res. Chris carving heelside and throwing up a little mist... A cool little natural roller/hit (above) that led to another fun step down (below). Rider: CM, Photos:CV This fun feature can be floated large or small... the options are there for you. Coby dropping cornice, shot from 2 different angles (above and below). CM Enjoying the goods.. The goods.... Riders and Photogs: Jahvea Vidakovich, Cobe Vidakovich, Chris Menges

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