Back in Oregon... waiting for rain.
In direct contrast to the season in Colorado, the whitewater in Oregon comes in late fall and feeds off of rain all winter before drying up some time in the late spring. When everything in Oregon gets dry, a simple cruse over the scariest tole-bridge in the world lands you on the Washington State side of the Columbia River, host to the Ecstasy of day-trip paddling: The White Salmon River.
For those with a class V appetite, the Green Truss run boasts one waterfall in the mid twenties, several sick boulder gardens, and one infamous "boof-bang" BZ Falls just before the takeout (pictured right).
Just upstream the farmlands section provides a step-stone class four introduction, while downstream run from BZ Corners to Husum Falls offers class III with a view and below Husum down to the reservoir is an easy class II-III that anybody can have fun in. (For more information on run descriptions check out the American Whitewater website)