Glenwood, 21K. Fun, Fast.
Big Sur.
Chrispy inviting paddlers and surfers to join in.
Group surf.
Second faster wave. Big Sur.
River right side of Glenwood.

Big Sur.

Big Sur was between 24 to 28, 700, which created a good foam pile and steeper shoulder then at 22k and lower when the wave is mainly glass. Big Sur also has a 2nd wave/hole that is faster, more dynamic with an eddy. In addition there are some other easier waves. As you can see from the photos many people can happily paddle at the same time. Long rides with friends, big smiles. Casual scene, not crowded. Nice Camping in a beautiful desert side canyon nearby with good shade and hike.

Chris Menges and Morgan Shredding on SUPS.

Crispy and Pat.