Nicole Mansfield Reviews The Keen Payette Water Boot

Sometimes finding a good paddling shoe, is almost as significant as finding a good kayak. The shoe needs to fit well in a kayak, feel comfortable while wet, and most importantly perform well on slippery, wet surfaces so it can be trusted during sketchy portages, slippery scouts, and extended hikes in and out of the river. Good footwear is crucial because no one wants to lose their footing when a slip could mean gear loss, injury, or falling into the river. Being a girl, I have slightly smaller feet and a more difficult time finding good paddling shoes in my size. This year, Keen came out with the Payette's in smaller sizes, and I have been very impressed.



  • Sticky and grippy sole, that is great for walking over slippery rocks
  • Flexible sole allows shoe to fit well in both creek and play boats
  • Velcro and straps allow a snug fit so shoes will not be lost in mud or while swimming
  • Easy to put on or remove from foot


  • Limited arch support, so if you are hiking 11-miles over a mountain pass for a multi-day, some feet might be sore at the end

Demshitz in Pandoras Box from jared seiler on Vimeo.

The Verdict:

The Keen Payette's are an awesome all around booty and incredibly cheap for such a high quality shoe.

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