By Nicole Mansfield.
- Water level on the Arkansas has just dropped significantly and won't increase again until April
- Everyone is leaving for the east coast where the water is pumping
- I become a lil anxious and worried about what there might be to do in the Colorado area for the next few months until the snow flies
- Fortunately, for the girl who has never been on an overnight river trip, I was able to go on 2 classic Rocky overnighters in a span of 2 weeks! Paddling Westwater and Black Canyon, I was able to experience two characteristically different and amazing canyons and soon realized that this might NOT be the Gauley...... but, it's better.

Stocking more ice into the overloaded White Lightning. Next mission: Leave the'Loco' and find an iHOP

Westwater! Lisa Kloberdanz loves it!

Floating downstream in the sunshine. Apparently if you don't paddle at all the first day, you arrive at you camp spot at noon, which allows plenty of time to play on Little D' play... eat.. and make a raft fort so Jason doesn't drown when the most terrifying thunderstorm attacks in the middle of the night.

Mike Tavares skillfully negotiating Skulls Rapid so we don't lose all our precious cargo.

Hanging out post big water excitement!
Next week = Black Canyon of the Gunnison River. Another great 2 day river trip with a slightly deeper gorge, a little more walking, a little less floating, and more poison ivy! Putting in a little later than recommended, some of us did not arrive at cave camp until after dark, but, then again, maybe that was my fault. I was certainly not the quickest, as I fell into bushes of poison ivy and laid there struggling to escape from beneath my kayak...Good Times!

The boys scouting the first big drop on the river...Daywrecker

Connor Finney running the first part of Daywrecker.

Alex Hoetze cleaning up the bottom of Daywrecker.

Connor in the Lower Intestine..i think

Lower Intestine.. Jonny Meyers..

Connor running the Ball Crusher..

Connor boofing the 18'er before the portage fun!

me boof

Jonny boof
Thanks to Chris Larsen for all the photos and tour guiding!
The Black Canyon is GREAT fun and will keep you itching for weeks!!