I received a call today that my
Dagger green Boat was in. Here are a few photos of it just being a kayak. haven't had a chance to get it in the water yet. I'll get some photos of that asap. It is a long, fast looking machine. Brings back memories of the old days.
The newsline on the dagger
Green boat reads like this,
"The Dagger Green Boat is what your arsenal needs.
The great thing is its combination of speed, volume and maneuverability. No other kayak performs like the Green boat. Creek boats are often too slow, especially in pushy water. Slalom boats are great fun to paddle but get swamped in big features, and old school long boats just don't have the maneuverability of a modern whitewater kayak design. But the Green boat combines all three in a remarkably compromise free combination.
The Green boat is an aggressive design but it’s not hard to paddle. It doesn't have that unpredictable twitchy feel of some boats that turns beginner paddlers off. It cruises through class 4-5 with ease but is also a fun boat to paddle on flat-water. It goes upriver as well as any plastic boat ever made.
This boat fills the void of a truly fast plastic boat capable of running technical water comfortably and safely, and a kayak capable of aggressively tackling big water, not just floating through it with minimal control. Bottom line, the Green boat rules!"
Almost longer than my car.

A little perspective. That is my Jackson
Super Star next to it. WOW!
CKS has a demo in stock and a couple floor models. They come in Green or red. Go try one out...

On a side note. It is definitely worth picking up one of these little lovely's to protect your kayak for when you need to scout the Poudre (no pickup truck is gonna steal your kayak with this lovely around), run after your friends swimming the Poudre, or chasing down Pagel on the Big T.
While running rapids, They easily fit into the kayak. Being only 15lbs really helps. Those teeth are big though, So I tend to stash the little lovely in the stern, away from the important stuff. If and when you do swim, the lovely real digs this piece of
Be safe out there. Atom...