After our trip down the Grand Canyon of the Stikine, we were able to get on a cool river just outside of Terrace, BC. Take a look on a map and find's out there. And the general feeling you get while paddling some of the local creeks is of isolation. This particular river or "creek", The Khtada River, required a half an hour ferry across the Skeena River and then hike up the creek for roughly 2 hours. This just added to the adventure of being "off the map" yet so close to civilization. Putting in on a high lake, the river takes a fast, low angled plunge down into the Skeena. This creates for a silly time of large slides. Although techniquely easy, letting your guard down will result in a knuckle scraping beatdown. Check the pics!
Ben Hawthorne bouncing off a large rooster tail.
Corey Boux Photo
BH on the main event, a long, long slide w/ big kickers.
Corey Boux PhotoHUCKIN HUGE
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Whitewater dry wear is the largest apparel investment any boater can make. For those who want to extend the life and use of their dry suit (or dry top), it's best to keep a dry suit repair kit on hand. Read our 9 recommendations for the best dry suit repair kit!