Immersion Research Dry Deck Review
I have been using my custom I.R. Dry Deck for two seasons now, and it is one of my most treasured pieces of equipment! If you are a true play boater you should really consider calling CKS to place your custom order for an I.R. Dry Deck. I.R. gives you the ability to pick your favorite Dry Top, and your favorite skirt, and they will connect the two in their Pennsylvania manufacturing center (lead time 4-6 weeks). I get a funny sense of amusement every time I effortlessly slide into my dry deck, it’s so quick and easy, it’s the most convenience way to get dressed for a play session!
*Dry Decks are a “special order,” and therefore non-refundable, and non-discountable.
- Throw it over your head, and you are good to go! A dry deck is quick and easy, you don’t have to work the tunnel of the skirt into the double tunnel of your dry top because the skirt is connected to the dry top (one ingenious piece of gear if you ask me).
- You can laugh at your friends as they awkwardly fumble with their skirts trying to get the tunnel in between the double tunnel of their dry tops.
- You have more freedom and mobility while play boating because there is less fabric between you and the kayak.
- You don’t get “leakage” between the dry top and the skirt because there is nowhere for water to enter.
- The Uni-Dry-Deck turns two pieces of gear into one; which means less stuff to forget, just grab your uni-deck, pfd, helmet, paddle, boat, and GO PLAY!
- Dry decks are not recommended for river running or creeking because if you swam, the dry deck could potentially fill up with water.Also, if you get hung up on something while swimming, the skirt is attached to you, and will not come off. You have to cut it, which is not easy.
- If you have a kayak with a Large deck, and another kayak with an XL deck you could not use your Dry Deck for both kayaks.
IR charges a $30 fee to sew together the skirt and top.Basically, the MSRP of the dry deck is the cost of skirt and top + $30. If you have any questions about ordering one, call 888-265-2925. We can get one ordered for you.