CKS Staff Reviews the Liquid Logic Jefe

The Liquid Logic Jefe is one of the best creek boats on the market today. The outfitting (BAO) is very comfortable and the rounded bow with tons of rise is great for Colorado Creekin' (or anywhere else). The Jefe makes a great beginner creeker as well because of the forgiving hull and large amounts of bow rise. It is also a very easy boat to correct on missed boofs. The Specs: Length - 8'2'' Width - 25.5" Cockpit Dimensions - 33" x 20 " (Large Deck Size) Rocker: Bow - 14" Stern - 11" Volume - 73 gallons Boat Weight - 43 lbs. Paddler weight range: Overall 150-250


The Jefe comes Standard with their BAO (Bad Ass Outfitting). The seat, hips and backband are all padded with a comfortable material that dries very easily. The backband is stiff, supportive and has a bombproof ratchet system built to take abuse. One great feature that this boat offers is its ease of adjustment. The seat and thigh braces move for and aft without having to disassemble any of the boat. This can be particularly helpful for families and instructional institutions that have more than one paddler using the same boat.


Awesome Creeker! The Jefe is a great boat for both beginner and seasoned creekers. The displacement hull is steady and forgiving, and the rounded bow resurfaces well from waterfalls. The large amount of bow rise also helps the boat resurface easily from waterfalls, and big pourovers.

The Verdict:

The Jefe is a great all around creek / class V boat. It is easy to paddle, roll and boof. The outfitting is comfortable, supportive and easy to adjust. Hopefully we will see the return of the storage compartment below the seat in 2009.

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