For two weeks I got to travel to Missoula, Montana and Cascade, Idaho. We left Salida and headed to Wyoming, where we surfed Lunch Counter. It was pretty insane! After a fun time there we headed to Missoula for the USAFK championship. When we first got there, we had to adjust to the fact that it gets dark at ten o'clock. It was pretty nice. On the other hand, the wave was changing constantly. At times the whole wave would turn green, and other times it would have a nice pile. After a couple days of training, and eating ice cream at the Big Dipper, it was competition time. The first day the junior women just receded. The wave was unattainable and after our four rides I ended up in a tie for second with Lauren Burress, but the tie broke my way, which put me in 2nd behind Sage Donnelly. The next day..... it was finals. Out of the three rides my first ride was the best. Unfortunately that wasn't enough to beat Lauren's third ride. I ended up third behind Lauren and Sage and third in the point series. It was a pretty successful and fun event!
On the Road (part 1)