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Raffuse Creek Exploration
When Todd calls and says "hey man, ive got something sweet, wanna go to BC this weekend?", It probably means its gunna be a good old fashioned BC bushwack to a worthy creek. Then he texted me some photos they had taken when they scouted it a few days prior. Pictures of clean waterfalls and a kickass gorge met my eyes. I dropped other plans and headed up to the squamish area. We made some delicious food at Bryan's house, and went to sleep stoked to go explore Raffuse creek. We woke up super early and drove to the creek which just happens to be crossed by the road to Skookum Creek. We hiked a few miles up the creek on a nice trail. Then we picked the least menacing spot in the dense bc hell f*@k, we did some classic BC bushwackin down to the creek. We put on, and ran through some really cool mini gorges like this one.
Bryan Smith photo.
We then reached some cool low volume boofs like this one.Chris Tretwold Photo.
The gorge started to get a little deeper and steeper we came upon this sweet Double Drop.
Boofs like this don't suck.
Todd Gilman Photo
Cool shot of me resurfacing. TG photo
The second stage of the double, good stuff. CT Photo
Chris Tretwold charging of the first part of the double, reppin dat WA apple phat! Tg photo
MMM The second drop from above. Tg photo
Shane and Bryan in some fun boogie just after the Double Drop.
After some cool boogie and mini gorges, the Creek got quite a bit steeper indeed. We came upon this, and of course Chris Tretwold fired up some stout wood removal by walking across the big log, then sawing a smaller log in half so we could run the stuff that came below.
It was definetly brown.
The eddy just above a sweet 25ish footer.BS Photo
And Todd Launching off of just another sweet BC waterfall. BS photo
The 25r from downstream, with the crack rapid soon afterwards. CT photo
And me dropping in on a really cool boof to crack drop.CT photo
From Downstream, Photo TG
And Bryan exiting the crack.TG Photo
Shane getting a nice boof into the pinch, stylie! Shortly after these quality drops, there was another waterfall in the 25-30ft range with a weird crack entrance that then proceeded to land on rocks. With higher flow, it would probably go, but the rest of the creek would be terrifying.
Shane Peering into the crack.
The creek then proceeded to throw a few walled-out, woodblocked smaller drops, so we had a couple proper BC portages.Up, out of the gorge, then yes right back down in through spikey plants and moss-covered rocks.
We then proceeded to meet the bridge that we had decided to take out at. We started the day at 8, and ended at 7:30 or so, it was a solid day of kayaking indeed.
Here is a short video I put together of the day, Check it out