CKS Online Blog
Gore Season, yeah baby...
Well its that time of year again, Gore season is upon us and while it looks like the official Gorefest will not be happening this year I'm still am...
Cheeseman 07
Cheesman 07
By Nick Wigston
Photos: Gordon Banks
Some say Cheesman is one of the best and toughest runs in Colorado. Who knows, but it’s certainly...
American Whitewater Fundraiser - Cataract Canyon in 18 Hours
Cataract Canyon, Colorado River, Utah
Anytime you do a run for the first time there is an ominous feeling of apprehension associated with the unk...
Pine Creek Virgin
So I was on my way to CKS for the weekend to demo some kayaks. Lake creek was at a silly low flow but Pine Creek was at a pretty healthy 700 cfs, I...