Teva has a longstanding history of making shoes and sandals that are functional for both terrestrial and water use. The Gnarkosi definitely follows in this tradition. It's a sneaker that can be used for stand up paddling, rafting, wake skating, kayaking, fishing, hiking, biking,etc...The defining feature is it's "drain frame" that allows the shoe to drain water and breathe. This in theory causes it to dry quicker. Here in Buena Vista, footwear like this is almost a necessity. With so many activities taking place in or nearby water, it's really nice to be able to wear the same pair of shoes to the river in the AM, and then go for a hike in the afternoon. Check out the details:
Small drainage ports along the heel and toe of the shoe allow water to drain out.There are screens in the drainage holes that keep large pieces of debris from coming in the shoe. This is fairly common with river booties, but not with sneakers. Also, the external TPU heel stabilizer keeps you right on track.
Great for downriver stand up paddling, rafting, or times when you want a really protective or stable platform to stand on.
Stable and sticky "Spider Rubber" soles. They are great for protecting your feet as well as securing firm foot placement. The flat sole, again helps to create a solid platform.
The Gnarkosi's are very comfortable and make great all around shoes. The drainage holes help keep your feet a little bit cooler when it is hot out in the summer. They especially make good day hikers. No worries about stream crossings or slippery rocks - The Gnarkosi's have you covered.
High abrasion toe guard and synthetic uppers to increase durability.
They're a full on sneaker, with a thick, stable platform. There may be times (like river surfing), when you want more dexterity than this shoe offers. Just take em' off and leave them on shore. They will be waiting for you when you need to walk back to the car.
It was noted that a little bit of sand was able to enter the shoe when worn in the water (in really sandy areas).
The shoes still need a little while to dry. They are not 100% waterproof. Still, they are WAY better than a normal pair of sneakers.
If you are looking for a pair of kicks to last you through the guiding season in the summer, and into the fall - you need to take a look at the Teva Gnarkosi's. Solid, stable, vented for easy drainage and cool looking are the name of the game with this unique water shoe.