The Aqua Bound Shred 4 Piece Breakdown Paddle Review
Breakdown paddles are something that you may never think that you will need - until you break your paddle. Similar to biking without an extra tube, it's not until you run into trouble that you realize how nice it would be to have a spare on hand. Breakdown paddles can be spendy, and because of that, deter people from paddling with them. Companies like Werner and Lendal build some incredibly cool 4 piece break downs, that paddle as well as or better than most people's regular paddles. They cost as much as a high end paddle. What happens if you decide that you want to bring a compact, light, built in the USA breakdown paddle with you, but you do not want to break the bank? Look no further than the Aqua-Bound Shred 4 piece breakdown paddle:



  • Lightweight abX fiberglass blade (shatterproof design)
  • Resilient Fiberglass shaft (light & durable)
  • Easily transportable (Nice 4-Piece)
  • Built to customer specifications (Feather angle & Right/Left hand control)
  • Lightest paddle for price
  • Best paddle for dollar in industry
  • Built in the USA


  • When Shred was produced by their former owners, people had problems with blade and shaft strength. Once purchased by Branches LLC, extreme testing and redesign was performed to assure 100 percent quality. The blade, ferrule, and shaft have been redesigned for stronger and more durable performance.
  • It’s a straight shaft (Can make wrist sore after 2-3 straight days)
  • Can wear after a few years.

The Verdict:

The Aqua-Bound Shred is an incredible value. It's light, stiff, well made (built in the USA) and retails for $139.95. This paddle costs less than half the price of other breakdowns. If you are looking for a great spare blade to bring with you on your next overnighter, consider The Shred.

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