Tim Kelton Reviews The Five Ten Water Tennie's

Tim Kelton Reviews The Five Ten Water Tennie's

I've been using Five Ten shoes for a while now. I've used the Five Ten Canyoneers for 4 seasons, and have done everything from twenty mile hike in runs, to gorged in mossy-wet British Columbia runs in the Canyoneer II. Because they are made for Canyoneering the fit is tricky (getting neoprene clothing and socks into the boot), but their Stealth Rubber is just leaps and bounds above anything else on the market. When I saw Five Ten was coming out with a new shoe I got quite excited. The rubber soles are still made with Five Ten's patented Stealth Rubber, just like the Canyoneers. The shoe is a much lighter weight and very similar to my old Patagonia shoes which were a hybrid of rock climbing meets kayaking. The rubber on the sides of the shoe provides friction when you place your foot in tighter spots, such as when setting safety. http://www.vimeo.com/8760744 Tim Kelton on The Middle Kings



  • Stealth Rubber - nothing else is comparable!!!
  • Great fit for times when you don't need neoprene socks.
  • Lighter weight than the Canyoneer's.
  • More flexible and a thinner mid sole lets your foot wrap around rocks for traction.


  • Got my first pair only a few days ago, so I can't comment on long term durability.
  • They don't give them away, but when I'm on an exposed portage I don't usually think about saving $30.
  • Some might prefer a stiffer mid sole for walking, like the Canyoneer.
http://www.vimeo.com/11348147 Classic NM creekin'. The FiveTen website has some really cool stuff on it including a few super human videos. Check out this anti-gravity, dub stepping, heel locking first ascent of The Right via Freedom V13 in Boulder Canyon, Colorado. If you don't know what V13 means, go try a V0,V1 or V2....then you will see how insane this video is: http://vimeo.com/24279179 Impressive slack line video. Filmed in Prescott, AZ. http://youtu.be/NYTF4rAM-gg And last but not least...the wing suit. Stealth Rubber on the way up, and then huge cahones for the ride down: http://www.vimeo.com/18150336 Click here to see the rest of the FiveTen Video stash.

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