Backcountry Skiing: Cameron Pass CO Atlas

Sale price$27.95


Local author and explorer Rodney Ley, has put his breadth of knowledge and 50 years of experience on Cameron Pass into this meticulously curated guidebook. Just 65 miles west of Fort Collins, quiet and undeveloped “Cam Pass” also receives a generous amount of snow each winter and stellar skiing often extends late into the spring. With relatively easy highway access, this area has become a favorite spot for day tours and overnight yurt trips from both sides of the range. The Cameron Pass zone boasts big lines, mellow day tours and everything in between.

You’ll find high-quality aerial photos marked with ascent and descent indicators, individual run descriptions, slope angles, aspect, Avalanche Terrain Exposure Scale ratings, parking and trailhead information and more in this lightweight book that can fit in your pack. Designed to go along with you on your tours and accompany the Backcountry Skiing Cameron Pass Ski Map and Ski App. This is more than just a guidebook. It’s a decision-making tool. 

This 5.5” x 8.5” spiral-bound book covers the following zones: Kelly Ridge, Ruby Jewel Cirque, Clark Peak, Sawmill Creek, Montgomery Pass North, Montgomery Bowls, North Diamond Peak, South Diamond Peak, Zimmerman Lake, Hot Dog Bowls, Enchanted Forest, Iron Mountain West, American Lakes South, Snow Lake Ridge, Paradise Bowl, Nokhu Crags North, Lake Agnes Bowl, Braddock Peak East, Braddock Peak West, Seven Utes Mountain East, Seven Utes Mountain West.

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