AT 3 Mystery Whitewater Kayak Paddle Review

AT3 Mystery Stick Paddle Review

The AT3 Mystery has a background that is as interesting as the paddle itself. AT originally built it at the same time as the AT Zen and ATX. The ATX is AT's foam core river running paddle. The Zen was the same paddle, but with glass blades instead of carbon/foam core. Add in a little camouflage graphics, and Bam! Now you have the AT Mystery. Best of all, we're selling this limited run paddle for 25% off. Once they're gone, that's all that's ever going to hit the streets.


  • Sized in 192, 195, 197, 200 cm lengths. All come standard with AT's signature bent shaft.
  • Carbon and S-glass shaft is light,strong and flexible. The shaft absorbs rough impacts, and ultimately helps cushion your joints.
  • Epoxy blades are somewhat light and really strong. This is a great creek, river running or slalom paddle.
  • Dynell edge trim does not wear down and can handle the abuse that creek boaters will give it.
  • Large surface area dihedral blades(800 sq. cm.) create plenty of power for must make moves, big water paddling and any time that you need a paddle with some bite.
  • AT"s FCG(Full Control Grip) bent shaft is ergonomically correct which means that your wrists and arms will be more comfortable and have less fatigue overall.
  • 43 oz. of bomberness!


  • This paddle has a great dihedral blade shape with alot of catch, which results in being able to take fewer, but more efficient strokes.
  • The AT bent shaft is arguably the best bent shaft on the market. The grips are spaced a little bit closer to the center of the shaft, than Werner bent shaft paddles. This may be good for smaller paddlers.
  • The shaft is light and has some good flex to it. Forgiveness is a good thing for demanding downriver paddling.
  • The epoxy blade with Dynell edges are really tough, and ready to take a beating. If you're looking for a bent shaft paddle that is a little lighter than the AT4 E River, and less expensive than the ATX, this is your blade!
  • This is a unique paddle, and there are not many out there, especially in the camo. We are stocking a few closeout specials. When they are gone, that's all that will ever be sold. In other words, if you want an AT paddle that you won't see that many of on the river, this is it.


  • The AT Mystery has big powerful blades that are great for downriver paddling and creek boating, but are not that great for rodeo. This paddle is meant to be used for fewer more powerful strokes.i.e.- down river paddling, not in the hole. The blade may feel like it is getting stuck in the water when the paddler is trying to take a lot of quick strokes.
  • The blades of the paddle are positioned just ahead of the bent shaft, as opposed to Werner's neutral bent shaft, which has blades that are directly in line with the shaft. If you are transitioning from a straight shaft to a bent shaft paddle, it will be a tougher adjustment. The Werner will feel more like the straight shaft, and will be easier to get used to. On the other hand, if you already have a bent shaft(especially and AT), you'll have no problem.
  • The camo print on the blade is tough to see on the water. Beginning paddlers who may take the occasional swim may want a bright blade that is easier to find in the train wreck.

The Verdict:

The AT Mystery paddle is a unique item. It takes the best features of the ATX, like big powerful blades and a carbon/glass bent shaft, but costs a lot less and is more durable. This paddle is designed for paddlers who want the maximum power out of their blade, for their next downriver adventure. The bent shaft is hard to argue with (AT is one of the best), and the camo print is subtle and distributed in very limited quantities. If you need a burly, bent shaft downriver paddle that you won't see anyone else using, this may be a good choice.

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