Sharks, Crocs, Cougars and a little kayaking
It is winter time down here in New Mexico. The mountains have snow but the lower valleys are getting toasty during the day. Perfect for some nice 60 degree weather to go boating in. The Rio Grande Racecourse section flows year round and some folks kayak it all winter. Today I was joined by Thad and Lisa. Thad has only been boating for 5 months and is the most fired up individual I have ever met about going boating. Lisa has been boating for awhile,and is just recovering from shoulder surgery. A mellow beautiful day with some minor mishaps (mental delusions), lay ahead...Oh ya, Nate also joined us. Were not to sure about this Nate guy....

The putin..

Thad looking good. For only boating for 5 months, he sure does have the nicest gear. He has on the pimpinShred Ready Tdub helmet, the new awesome Astral Green Jacket, the AT2 flexi paddle and he fits perfectly into the new Pyranha Karnali kayak. I respect the fact that he bought great gear even as he is learning. Less upgrading later...

Lisa seal launching in....

Thad has been working on his roll like there is no tomorrow. Here he demonstrates the adverse effects of bringing your head out of the water first.

I didn't capture the perfect roll demonstration by him right after this. I later asked him what his secret was to perfecting the roll in any situation. Especially this early in his kayak career. He said, Atom its really pretty simple, I'm terrified of sharks and so I just pretend that they are in every river I Kayak on. If I swim, I get eaten. So it makes me roll every time. He then told me about his favorite movie. Here is a preview of it..

After all the shark talk, I had to do some Bow Stalls...

Thad charging...

Lisa during the aftermath of a rare swim. I asked what the heck happened? Oh not much she said, I just thought I saw a Crocodile and so I freaked out and tried to ward it off with my paddle. Ahhhhh, Okay?

Lisa then confessed to me that she loved crocodile movies, but is totally scared of the actual creatures. This is her favorite Croc movie..

Back on track. Thad running Big Rock

Thad looking like he is training for the Middle Kings.

Lisa Training for the Micos en Mexico.

Lisa catching the Eddy at Sleeping Beauty

Thad same..

That guy Nate finally shows up.

Yup, that is Nate's tongue sticking out. I have about 50 shots of him surfing Sleeping beauty and his tongue is out in every shot. Lisa thinks it looks hot...

Thad getting some surf in..

Lisa one upping Thad (she actually made it in the hole)

Nate going for the elusive Helix.

Afterward I asked him what he thought about before trying such a hard move. Older women, he said without hesitation.
This is for you buddy..

Well an awesome day was had by all. I'm gonna end it with a plug for the NRS Toaster Mit. My hands are always freezing in the winter time (tried pogies and gloves-all of them). Tried these out today and was actually sweating. The paddle felt fine while wearing them. I'm sold using them for play runs and easier river running. I would not recommend them for creeking. Over and out. I'm off to Chile for 3 weeks where hopefully there are no crocs, sharks or aggressive cougars...

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