Here are some pics from our last trip.
Mike "DBag" Holliday Manking Homestake (getting closer to CB)
Scott "Meathead" Andrews stomping Oh-Be-Joyful
Taking out of the Upper East scenary...awwww
Mr. David Strauss cleaning up Daisy Creek
Strauss flying off Big Woody Falls
Mike stomping Rip Yer Head Off
Mr. Strauss paddling the Slate River
Good times were had by all, but if you are looking to save money by not spending absurd amounts of your paycheck on overpriced gas here are a couple of words of wisdom: -Don't try driving to the Punchbowls in a 2-wheel drive sedan... you're not going to make it... not even to the Double Drop..don't try -The big piece of wood in the Middle Fork of the Ruby the guide book warns about IS still there.. and a couple more (to say the least) have accompanied doesn't run