Crystal Punch Bowls

With things getting low I decided to try for the punchbowls from the Crested Butte side, the easy way, especially since my Tacoma is a bit low and only 2WD. We got shut down on the first attempt by snow over the road early on. We went back a few days later and some more defined ruts in the snow (not in the video) made it a bit safer to cross. After hiking in we were met with the thunderstorm/slush/hail storm from got cold fast and we were pelted with large slush/ice balls mixed with rain and strong wind. After hiding under a tree for a little while things were getting worse, including the lightening. We narrowly escaped the muddy road in my 2WD truck, left my boat in the gorge for a sunny return, and returned the next day for an easy hike in (without a boat) and a beautiful day in the punchbowls. Seems like every trip in there is epic in its own way, making the rewards that much sweeter. So with the journey in mind as the destination in itself check out the video. :-)

Special thanks to Neal, Dalton, Samantha Brunner, and Bryant for fliming, taking pictures, and helping me get it done. good times...

(photo by Bryant Haley)

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