Back with the last a final update of back-2-back epic weekends. If you haven't seen part one, then click
here and catch up! -Good, so we dropped into what we thought was the first descent of Granite Creek. Apparently, it had been done before, but the crew "had" hiked out before this gorge (?) , who knows, no biggie, we all know how that goes. So we dropped into this creek, going off of a fellas word that there were "big, runnable falls". The first obstacle was tackled by Scott, a manky drop that neither me or Ben wanted to run. Next was the picturesque "Leap of Faith" Gorge. We chucked & hucked the two, leaving them unrun till higher water.

CrissCross will make ya wanna...

Scott probin' the mank in the beginning. Granite Creek
So after a blur of a weekend in the PNW, I headed down back to Arizona, thru my gear in the bed of my truck and bombed over to Three Rivers again. Temps were suppose (and did) to jump to the low 90's in the Southern Sierras. This spelled great flows on the Kaweah drainage. We got on all the forks of the Kaweah and chilled with WKCA. Partying, whitewater, and new canyons made for a great, poison oak infested, 4 day weekend. Check the pics.

Firing up the rarely run (major access issues), S. Fork Kaweah

Sketchy rapid on the East Fork Kaweezey. Driftwood

Mike Fisher, testing the high flows on a 90+ degree day.
No footy today, but stay tuned for info on when and where. Paddle safe....