After traveling to Gauley Fest the southeast was blessed with RAIN! Mike and I decided to head south and paddling rivers that have not run since the terrible draught. Once the creeks water tapered off we caught the Tuckasegee's
Eternity Hole at higher than normal water level.

Only surfing this spot once when I was in High School, I was surprised on its quality. Eternity Hole is easy to spin in and to get on top of the foam pile. The hole is plenty deep for aerial tricks, water dependent, and super friendly for learning.
After spending so many hours in the Salida hole this summer I was stoked to find a baby salida hole in the east. The slab is up stream but we just parked and played at the hole. Watch out for the trails to the play spots after a heavy rain because they are steep and muddy.

I found the hole to be a little flushy so you have to be quick on your landing or it can be frustrating. I have heard the reason that its not retentive is because the flooding moved some rocks around.

We had great weather and the river to ourselves, which was awesome after playboating on the crowded Gauley. I was luck that Mike stretched his legs and took some great photos. On to our next adventure!