colorado kayak online high water 2019
photo by Kameron Moore

As many of us have been struggling with paddle fever as the snow continues to pile up, the general consensus has been: “it’s all gotta melt some time… and when it does, look out because it’s gonna be big!”

photo by Daniel Yopp

Well, my friends, that time is finally upon us! Take a little looksy over at your local weather forecast - 70s and sunny every day, and nighttime temperatures in many areas of Colorado will not drop below freezing, creating the perfect conditions for our snowpack to finally start delivering the icy treat it's been keeping from us all spring. The beast will be awakened, and rivers in Colorado may see a rise by thousands of CFS in just a few days. Hell or high water, baby!

photo by Rachel Graehl

This is going to be a different kind of season than you might be used to. Our high water will, albeit late to the party, make a strong entrance. Be aware that there will be a ton of wood in rivers that isn’t usually there, especially in the wake of the fires that took place in Southern CO in 2018. Scout your runs if you can, and never paddle alone. Also be aware that the water coming down the creeks has been in a liquid state for only several hours, and unless it's mixing with warmer water on a long river system, it’s gonna be COLD. Now is the time to get that dry suit you’ve always talked about getting, your melly isn’t gonna cut it under your drysuit like it usually does…

photo by Jesse Brucato

Enjoy the river pow, my friends. See you there.

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