Sixty-degree days in the Colorado high country means one thing: Big Water Season. While it won't peak for another few weeks, we still want you and your friends to be fully prepared for the upcoming season.
Jackson Kayak Nirvana
- Uncompromising 9ft racer
- Speedy. Squared off stern allows you to get shoved out of holes.
- Huge rocker
Immersion Research Royale Rand Spray Skirt
- 3 fin rubber rand prevents water from getting into your cockpit
- Skirt will stay on in any volume of water
- Kevlar outer casing
Shred Ready Zeta Helmet
- The latest design from Shred Ready
- Brim keeps water, sun, rocks out of your moneymaker
Werner Powerhouse Carbon Straight Kayak Paddle
- Bomber reliability
- Enhanced blade maneuverability
Stohlquist Descent Rescue PFD
- Pockets, pockets, pockets
- Free-floating suspended shoulder straps
- Looks badass on guys and gals (ask Victoria how she looks)
CKS Wave Logo Cam Strap
- Take pride in your rig. Rig to flip!
- can never have enough cam straps. RIG TO FLIP!
Hala Convertible 7' Quick Release Leash
- Never wear a straight ankle leash in whitewater
Watershed Ocoee Duffel Dry Bag
- Don't be that guy that double lines a trash bag on the river...
- Made in America. We don't know a single boater that doesn't use Watershed
NRS Women's Crux Drysuit
- High-water necessity whether you kayak, raft or SUP
- Accessible drop seat