CKS Online Blog
Long Overdue Cañon City Update
I first surfed the Cañon City Wave 8 years ago in an XXX. Ever since I have been waiting for it to come back in and this year it finally did! In Ju...
Oh Be Joyful running low, Spring Creek looks just right...
After catching the early bird special at the Evergreen Cafe, my buddy Fil and I drove across Cottonwood pass in the general direction of Crested Bu...
A week after "roughing it" at the Oh-be campground eating hotdog macaroni and swatting mosquitos, the Ledyard graduates headed down to Durango for ...
Chilean Patagonia update from Raul Buenaventura
This quick update comes to you from our dear friend, ex CKS employee and Squad member Raul Buenaventura. He is a great guy full of information fo...