Shred Ready Zeta vs. Sweet Protection Strutter Helmet

Shred Ready and Sweet Protection are both incredibly popular brands that design and manufacture whitewater helmets.

In this review, we will focus on their top-selling brimmed helmet options – the Shred Ready Zeta and the Sweet Protection Strutter – to help you find the best option for your needs.

Both helmets are top of the line in safety technology. They are low volume (and less robust in key protection areas) are therefore good helmets for lower class whitewater.

Shred Ready Zeta Sweet Protection Strutter
Strutter Helmet
Protection Level

Low Volume

Low Volume


ABS injection molded shell.

Carbon Reinforced Polymer Shell

Liner Multi-Impact molded DCLAN foam liner

EVA Shock Absorbing Liner


More width and a rounder feel; wraps around and feels snug 


    Slightly more narrow fit



      HOG 4.0 Retention System

      Removable comfort pads

      Occigrip Turn Dial

      Removable comfort pads

      Looks Flat brim
        Ball cap

          A larger lip around the helmet and gives more space between you and rocks

            More concave edge that wraps around the back of your head & offers more coverage


              All in all, these are both fantastic class I-IV helmets. They are top of the line in safety for their coverage and made by renowned companies. Choosing between them comes down to your style and head shape.

              Conclusion: A rounder head should go with the Zeta and a narrow head should go with the Strutter.

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